Found: 328
Autor / Responsable Illustrative Mathematics
Descripción This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable Illustrative Mathematics
Descripción This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable Illustrative Mathematics
Descripción This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable Illustrative Mathematics
Descripción This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable Illustrative Mathematics
Descripción This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable John Page
Descripción An interactive applet and associated web page that shows that angle-angle-angle (AAA) is not enough to prove congruence. The applet shows two triangles, one of which can be dragged to resize it, showing that although they have the same angles they are not the same size and thus not congruent. The web page describes all this and has links to other related pages. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable John Page
Descripción An interactive applet and associated web page showing how the AAA similarity test works. Two similar triangles are shown that can be resized by dragging. The other triangle adjusts to remain similar and the angle-angle-angle elements are highlighted to show how they are involved in this test of similarity. (all three interior angles congruent). The web page describes all this and has links to other related pages. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable John Page
Descripción An interactive applet and associated web page that shows how triangles that have two angles and their included side the same must be congruent. The applet shows two triangles, one of which can be reshaped by dragging any vertex. The other changes to remain congruent to it and the two angles and the included side are outlined in bold to show they are the same measure and are the elements being used to prove congruence. The web page describes all this and has links to other related pages. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable John Page
Descripción An interactive applet and associated web page that demonstrate acute angles (those less than 90 deg). The applet presents an angle (initially acute) that the user can adjust by dragging the end points of the line segments forming the angle. As it changes it shows the angle measure and a message that indicate which type of angle it is. There a software 'detents' that make it easy capture exact angles such as 90 degrees and 180 degrees The message and angle measures can be turned off to facilitate classroom discussion. The text on the page has links to other pages defining each angle type in depth. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector.
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)

Autor / Responsable IXL Learning
Descripción Shapes of everyday objects
Evaluación Global
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Integración en el curiculum de FP
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Amigabilidad
 (0 votos)
Evaluación: Aplicación en el aula
 (0 votos)